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Slovenska pediatrija 2013; 20: 120-126

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Review article


E. Šmid
Klinični oddelek za gastroenterologijo, hepatologijo in nutricionistiko, Pediatrična klinika, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Ljubljana


Endoscopic gastrostomy tube placement is the method of choice for enteral feeding of adults and children. It is most commonly needed in children with neurological impairment, and in those with swallowing difculties. Complications are relatively common, but in most cases these are mild. Among the most common complications are bacterial and fungi infections of the skin around the gastrostomy tube.In children, the procedure is performed under general anaesthesia. Parents are usually present with their child during his/her hospitalization to enable them to learn how to take care of the child at home. They receive theoretical and practical knowledge on the life of a child with a gastrostomy. They are provided with information on feeding, skin care and possible complications, and are actively included in all steps of the process of gastrostomy care as soon as possible.The child also has to be as equally involved as adults in the communication process, therefore it is necessary to know the child’s way of communicating, especially his or her non-verbal communication. Nursing care of the gastrostomy often presents to the child an unfamiliar and even an unwanted situation. It is therefore the role of the nurse to make the situation easier with proper communication. The nurse uses professional communication that is tailored to the child’s age, stage of development and current state of health.It takes four to ve days to train parents to be able to take care of their child at home. On discharge, they receive written information on percutaneous gastrostomy care.

Key words: gastrostomy, endoscopy, child, healthcare, parental health education, communication.