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Slovenska pediatrija 2015; 22: 22-27

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Review article


T. Sabadin
Klinični oddelek otroške, mladostniške in razvojne nevrologije, Pediatrična klinika, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija


In the future we want a modern nursing system based on evidence and focused on the needs of the patient, family and wider society. The fundamental orientation of nursing is quality, safety, effectiveness and humane nursing. The strategic areas of development that are important for operation and development are in the education process. In the field of nursing, MSc-s and PhD-s will be involved in clinical practice and work with patients. The integration of highly educated personnel in the clinical environment should increase encouragement for monitoring and education at academic levels. The EU directive states that professors must be habilitated in the field of nursing. The vision of nursing computerization represents the development of a modern, user-friendly computer support for all the processes in nursing and care. The computerization of nursing and care is being developed according to the national e-health strategy.

Key words: nursing, future, vision, strategy.