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Slovenska pediatrija 2012; 19: 153-157

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Review article


M. Tominšek
Klinični oddelek za otroško in mladostniško nevrologijo, Pediatrična klinika, UKC-Ljubljana, Ljubljana


Some children, aged between six months and six years, have febrile seizures, triggered by elevated body temperature. Febrile seizures are one of the most common causes of status epilepticus in infants and toddlers. Continuous and quality knowledge - based health care, which employs modern principles of child - and family - oriented care, is indispensable during the treatment and convalescent period. Nursing sisters provide the health education that contributes to lessening the possibility of a recurrence of febrile seizures, febrile status epilepticus, and other consequences of elevated body temperature.

Key words: febrile seizures, child, health care.