M. Gorenc
Služba za alergologijo, revmatologijo in klinično imunologijo, Pediatrična klinika, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Psychosocial functioning of children with primary immunodeficiency disorders and their families has so far received little or no attention in psychosocial research. The literature and clinical experience shows that children with chronic illnesses and their families are at increased risk of behavioural and emotional difficulties. This article presents the findings of the few existing studies on everyday functioning of children with primary immunodeficiency, their parents and the whole family. The most common adaptive difficulties in this population are also described. Knowledge about psychosocial functioning of paediatric patients and their families enables better understanding of children with primary immunodeficiency disorders and at the same time dictates careful monitoring and provision of professional support and assistance.
Key words: primary immunodeficiency, psychology, chronic disease.