Manca Velkavrh
Klinični oddelek za neonatologijo Pediatrična klinika, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Appropriate intrauterine environment allows fetus to grow according to its growth potential. In circumstances where the environment is not suitable for the fetus, for example when maternal diet is not sufficient or the mother has chronical illnesses, there can be metabolic changes in the fetus that may last for the lifetime. Body composition measurement is important to provide sufficient fluid and calory intake, especially in the endangered group of newborns – newborns born large or small for gestation, prematures, newborns with congenital heart anomalies or newborns with congenital kidney anomalies. There are several body measurement techniques, and every method has its advantages and disadvantages.
Key words: newborn, growth, body composition, measurement techniques