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Slovenska pediatrija 2016; 23: 124-131

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J. Kolenc
KO za otroško, mladostniško in razvojno nevrologijo, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Pediatrična klinika, Ljubljana, Slovenija

V. Krkoč
KO za otroško, mladostniško in razvojno nevrologijo, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Pediatrična klinika, Ljubljana, Slovenija


This review article discusses important areas to be considered by medical staff in preparing the adolescent with multiple sclerosis (MS) to live at home. The nurse plays an important role in the team and is most frequently in contact with the patient and his relatives. She counsels the patient on treatment decisions, teaches him the correct injection technique and encourages the adolescent and his family in living with MS. To understand and to motivate the adolescent in coping with the disease, we need to know the possible consequences of the disease and treatment in both the physical and psychosocial areas. Symptoms of multiple sclerosis in the perceptual, motor or cognitive areas and taking immunomodulatory therapy affect the adolescent’s involvement in daily activities. We must consider the characteristics of the patient and his family coping with the disease and understand the factors of treatment compliance. The paper also outlines the specifics of experiencing illness in adolescence. With properly planned support in various areas (administration of medication, management of side effects of drugs, acceptance of the disease, adapting education, etc.), the multidisciplinary team enhances the quality of life of adolescents with multiple sclerosis and enables as normal a life as possible.

Key words: multiple sclerosis, adolescent, treatment adherence, education, everyday life, psychosocial characteristics.

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