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Slovenska pediatrija 2019; 26: 139-145

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Review article


Gaja Setnikar
Zdravstveni dom Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija

Nataša Toplak
Služba za alergologijo, revmatologijo in klinično imunologijo Pediatrična klinika, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Ljubljana


Unrecognized and inadequately treated arthritis in child­hood leads to permanent joint damage. As such, early dis­covery and immediate treatment is imperative. Arthritis can be acute, or chronic if it lasts six or more weeks. Diagnosis should be done step by step and if necessary, the patient should be referred to a paediatric specialist, depending on the cause of arthritis. Each child undergoes basic laborato­ry investigations. Imaging studies should be performed in patients with monoarthritis. In this article we describe the most common causes of acute and chronic arthritis in chil­dren, and an algorithm approach to treating a child with arthritis that can be useful for doctors who treat children.

Key words: arthritis, child, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, algorithms