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Slovenska pediatrija 2012; 19: 143-149

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Review article


M. Rožič
Klinični oddelek za otroško onkologijo in hematologijo, Pediatrična klinika, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Ljubljana

H. Košir
Klinični oddelek za otroško hematologijo in onkologijo, Pediatrična klinika, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija


The nursing care of patients with haemophilia is a part of their comprehensive health care. The modern approach to treatment and nursing care of haemophilia patients means that immediately after the diagnosis is established, appropriate methods of treatment and nursing care are available to the patient.A holistic approach to the treatment of the haemophilic patient includes: diagnosis, treatment of bleeding (replacement/ substitute treatment), haematological care during diagnostic and surgical procedures, prevention of bleeding, bleeding control, treatment control, organisation and monitoring of treatment at home, organising and performing of preventive medical examinations, bone and muscle assessment, orthopaedic care, solving of emotional, psychological and social problems and genetic counselling. In haemophilia the factor necessary for the formation of fibrin clots is either insuficient or absent.There are mild, moderate and serious forms of the disease depending on the severity of the deficiency of clotting factor, which is correlated with the frequency of bleeding.Bleeding can occur anywhere, but it is most frequent in joints, muscles and subcutaneous tissue. A patient can also bleed from the nose, mouth, digestive system and in the central nervous system.

Key words: haemophilia, bleeding, treatment, nursing care procedures.