L. Slemenšek
Klinični oddelek za otroško onkologijo in hematologijo, Pediatrična klinika, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Z. Žalik
Klinični oddelek za otroško onkologijo in hematologijo, Pediatrična klinika, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Ljubljana
The basis of the diet for the child with cancer is a healthy and balanced diet tailored to the patients’ increased need for protein and energy. During complex oncologycal treatment a correct diet maintains normal nutritional status, fitness and well-being, reduces side effects of treatment, strengthens resistance and improves treatment outcome. A child’s nutrition depends on his age, as well as feeding problems. During an illness the body’s metabolism begins to change. The main features of the metabolic changes are increased degradation and deterioration in the renewal of muscle tissue. Therefore nutritional treatment is frequently implemented in the child with cancer, with this being commenced early enough to prevent and / or reduce further loss of body cell mass.
Key words: cancer, nutrition, child, chemotherapy.