Article short contents

Slovenska pediatrija 2010; 17: 59-65

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Review article


L. Skočir
Enota za fizioterapijo, Pediatrična klinika, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Ljubljana


In the article we desire to emphasise the importance of good cooperation between health workers in the management of the child with feeding problems. The signs and reactions, which can arise temporarily or for a longer period in a child with a chronic or acute illness, are defined. Ways are sought to overcome difficulties in re-establishing more normal feeding patterns. The child at risk should be fed in the position that minimises the possibilities of these problems and the function of orofacial structures improved. Non-feeding oral control and stimulation are stipulated when natural feeding is impossible or ceased because of medical contraindications. It is very important to move slowly from artificial to natural feeding, based exclusively on a thorough analysis of the child’s difficulties; timewise this may be prolonged. For re-establishing good conditions for feeding it is necessary through developmental physiotherapy treatment to reinforce the sensation of good alignment of the body, shoulder girdle and head. Parents of children with feeding problems require advice and direction.

Key words: ill child, pathological signs and reactions, non-feeding stimulation, positions, orofacial stimulation.